Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mike's 40th!

Josh, Will, and Mike BBQing for Mike's birthday!
Helene and Madison eating their hotdogs
Mike's chocolate cake from the Chocolate Claim!
Grams arrived on Mike's birthday, just in time for the party!!!
Mike and me
Family and laughs
Mike's gift from Krystal and Will
Cammie showin' off his break dancing moves
"Happy Birthday, dear Mike..."
All the candles are out! (No girlfriends for Mike:)

Chester finally arrived and Grams greeted him with a hug!
Laughs with Krystal and Doreen
Kasey enjoyed the cake!
As Mike started opening his cards and presents again, the laughs truly began...

A card from Doreen (LOL!)

Mr. Rogers was a hit! (A card from Dad and Eileen:)

Grams' card kept us laughing for awhile...
especially Camron!

Still laughing...

and laughing...

The McKennas had to go:( Gavin gave Mike a solid birthday hug!

Will helping the kids get on their way...

Mia was sticking around for quite awhile longer, but she wanted hugs too!

The Grandmas looking at Judy's photos

Mike opening his present from me!

Doreen simply observing and enjoying the moment:)

Mike was a happy birthday boy ♥

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