Monday, August 13, 2012

F.H. Grad 2012!

Congrats to all the F.H. Collins Grads, with extra cheers for the ESL Grads (Whoot, whoot, Yahoo, Hooray!) Here's Ofnilieta and Goldie looking beautiful and happy:)
Big smiles from Genard and Shannon

Catchin' Jordan off guard

Reed, happy to grad and be off on his way...

Lloyd: Peace out!
The grads patiently waiting in the hall... It must have been pretty hot if the ESL students were complaining about the heat!
Tomoyuki standing with his proud mother

A great family shot

Happy grads!

Tim hammin' it up!
Da Boyz, Da Boyz

Lloyd, Tim, Jordan, and Reed lookin' like the men they've become:)
Jordan's mom is all smiles

Our youngest grad
Jaylene managed to make it to most of the high school grads, even though she's only in grade 10 this year;) This is Jay getting ready to attend the F. H. Collins prom!

After arriving at the Prom, I immediately spotted some of my students on the dance floor! They know how to have fun!!!

Tim and Jordan are having a blast!

Jerda Mae and Goldie

Goldie, John Jeric, Genard, Karl, Tim, Bryan, and Jordan!

This gang definitely feels at home on the dance floor!

Ofnilieta and Ken

Genard and his girlfriend

Ofnilieta posing with her proud mom!

Jay and Bryan

Josh manages to make it to most of the grad celebrations as well!

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