Saturday, December 18, 2010

A November Hike!

Deja & I thought we'd go for a decent hike before the abundance of snow fell and the bitter cold settled in.

We walked across the street, passed the power-line and into the trails.

Deja explored!

We hit the first steep hill.

A little out of breath after climbing up, a person might wonder why this was the chosen trail.

Then you turn around, look at the view and remember...  This is the first of the "Hidden Lakes."

We continued on.

Another climb.

By this point, my jacket was fully unzipped, scarf open and gloves in pockets.  There's a reason why they call it "Heart-Break Hill."

But the view is so worth it!

We stopped to look at the city of Whitehorse through the trees.

We continued our hike.  Deja lead the way.

You can't beat this scenery!  Even Deja had to stop to enjoy the view: Schwatka Lake!

She loves this walk!

It was difficult to say good-bye to this view.

But we continued on.

We hit the downhill.

At points, we could still see Schwatka Lake.  Beautiful!

We made our way down to Chadburn Lake Road.  Deja made it down first.

She simply waited for me at the bottom of the hill. (She knows she's not supposed to go onto the road. We usually run the rest of the way home together, and, while on the road, she stays on the other side of the guard rail.)

What an amazing hiking partner!!!

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