Saturday, December 18, 2010

Culture Week December 2010!

We celebrated Culture Week at F. H. Collins from Monday, Dec. 13th to Thursday, Dec. 16th. This year's theme was "Fashion and Trends Around the World!"

Some of my students' projects displayed on the bulletin board outside of our classroom

The Culture Week Countdown banner!

One of the display cases full of cultural clothing and accessories

Meera put the display case together, with a little help from me.  The majority of the contents belongs to her.  She has so many beautiful outfits, jewelry, and more from various countries!

There was a Craft Fair in the cafeteria on Wednesday at lunch.  This is a table of "Unlearn" T-shirts!

Students sold jewelry!

Students made stylish headbands out of recycled fabric!  They also sold home baking!

Mr. Austin talked with students who made jewelry and jewelry trees to sell.

4 of my students and I put this display case together.  The photographs were taken by the photography students.  The models were some of my students wearing clothing from their home countries!

This display case is at the front entrance of the school.

A couple of my students helped Annie Pellicano (a French teacher) decorate this display case! (This is next to the display case above.)

We created a trivia contest for students!  Students who attended the Culture Fair had the option to answer 10 trivia questions (answers found throughout the fair) and enter them into the draw for a chance to win prizes.  We had the most entries of any year!

Thursday was the day of the Culture Fair!!!

The International Cafe was set up in the hallway outside of the gym!

Students prepared cultural foods and served them to other students and staff in the school.

Booths and activities were set up in the cafeteria. Some of my students chose common games from their home countries and taught them to others.  Ofnilieta is teaching "Tong-its", a Filipino card game, to a French Immersion student.

Karanveer's "Bollywood" project got some attention!

Yukon First Nations displayed their chokers and hide-work.

Fabric head & hair -bands

Spanish students taught others how to make "friendship bracelets"!

Yukon First Nations beading!

Myriane created a collage with multiple students!

Meera, the Spanish teacher, helped students teach others how to make bracelets!

Some of my students challenged others to beat them in the "Chopstick Game!"

Goldie's moving from one station to another.

Some of my students volunteered to stay after school and help with the clean-up! 

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