Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jaylene's Birthdays: Dec. 15th & 16th, 2010!

On Wednesday, Dec. 15th, 2010, Jay turned 14-years-old! She had 6 of her friends over for her party.
We had a pizza dinner.

Then it was present time!

First, she opened her friends' gifts.

Jay wearing her new toque and looking at her bookmark while Katja watches beside her!

Jay reading a card from Charlotte.

It was a lot of fun!!!

More gifts to open as Carolyn, Camille, Morgan (Smiley) and Katja enjoy!

Mike enjoying his little girl's birthday!

Deja was in on the fun too!

Then we gave Jay our gifts.

She read the cards and found a couple new books inside...

but it was the final gift she was truly excited about!

Jay's new Netbook!

Josh thought it was a pretty slick gift too!

Cake time!

We all sang "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!  According to the candles, Jay had one boyfriend.
After eating cake, the girls watched TV, had a hot tub, watched a movie and played Scattegories. They all slept in the living room together.  (Because they are all in the PASE Program, they have an extended Christmas holiday and didn't have to go to school the next day!)  One thing Josh, Mike and I learned: Girls are loud!!!...but it's a happy loud! 
On Thursday, Dec. 16th, we celebrated both Jay and Camron's birthdays with the family!

The kids waited at the table while we added 23 candles to the cake. (14 for Jay and 9 for Cammie.)

The birthday boy and girl!

Blowin' out the candles.

Jay still has a boyfriend!

Present time!

The adults watched...

and enjoyed!

Jay reading the card from Cheryl, Keith, Camron, Helene and Mia!

They gave her a warm hoodie from Board Stiff!

Cammie's turn!  His sisters read the cards with him.

Jay thanked Great Grandma for the card and present (soft, comfy, cozy, red fleece pajamas)!

Cammie and Helene reading his next card!

Irene and I were entertained!

Mike's already trying to get Cammie into volleyball!

Jay opening her gift from Judy & Chester.

Camron got an Oilers jersey from his parents.

The Maguire kids were having a good time.

Cheryl slipped in an extra gift for Keith - matching Oilers jersey, toque and gloves! A very cute father and son photo!

Before the end of the night, Jay showed off her new Netbook to Judy and Cheryl!

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