Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010!

We thought we'd share a few photos taken on Christmas day!  Hope you all had comfy, cozy, warm and wonderful holidays filled with love and laughter!!!
The angel's on the tree!  A little easier than last year!
The boyz help Jay balance as she places the angel on the tree.
Oh, but it's a little scary.  The boyz hold on tighter.
There we go...
...or maybe not.

Josh decides to take over.
How many Kellys does it take to put the angel on top of the tree?

   BACK TO THE PRESENT: Well, this year, it only took one.  Important life lesson!                                                     By the way, this is what it looks like under the tree after Judy, Chester, Cheryl and Keith dropped off their gifts.

Homemade jam and drink mix from Irene!
A cool Adidas sweater from Cheryl and Keith
Deja was very excited about her first gift
She proudly pranced around the house with the bone cradled in her mouth...
...before finally settling down to devour it.
A fish basket from Judy and Chester - just like the one Grandpa Will used to have.
The funniest gift of Christmas 2010 - from Dad and Eileen! Hilarious!
Yahoo!  A wireless speaker for our deck! (From Judy and Chester!)
We were still unwrapping our presents...
and Deja had already finished her bone.
Mike's big gift from me...
It looks like he was happy about it!
Josh opening his stocking
and gifts
as Chester and Judy watch.
A gift from Josh and Jay!
The usual:
Jay opening presents too!
Sometimes gift certificates...
are good, appreciated presents!
Their smiles...
make us smile!
What the heck could this be?
An iPod hifi stereo:  Finally, Josh can listen to his music boom!
Accessories for Jay's Netbook.
Opening my gift from Mike, Josh and Jay:  a new winter coat!
Sharin' the love with the grandparents!
More presents for Deja: booties!
What's in here?
Smells better than the booties!
Right on! Another bone!
Love that lasts!

Deja tries out her booties.
It was a little strange walking at first (and very entertaining)!
She seemed to appreciate them much more once in the cold on the snow!
We went to Judy and Chester's for Christmas dinner!  We brought a few gifts with us.
Karen opening her Christmas gift...
as Joe watches and reads the card.
More gifts for Irene
Mike feels this gift needs a little explanation.
Irene reading her card from Dad and Eileen.
Madison and Joe
Little Kasey!  What a cutie!
Layla calmly watchin' all of the excitement.
The kids found their own room to sprawl out the toys and play!
Madison telling Mike a story, while Mia plays on her own laptop.  Helene and Camron help her out.
Mike and Gavin playing a mini-game of soccer.
Mia snuggling with her stuffed animals
Cheryl helping her mom in the kitchen while preparing Christmas dinner.
Cheryl and Keith enjoying the evening.
  We all ate a delicious turkey dinner together - 18 of us - and then an unbelievable cheesecake dessert made by Karen! We chatted and visited with one another.  Some played poker.  Others were entertained by the kids. Mike and I left a little early to start getting ready for Boxing Day Brunch at our house, which was also a whole lot of fun!!!  It's been a happy holiday!  Hope yours was too!