Sunday, November 1, 2015

Autumn 2015

The leaves are changing in the middle of the path!

August 31st: First day of school and SNOW!

Snow melted and Deja is back to her relatively frolicking self! (She had been sick...) Life is good!

After work walks!

At Ryan's New Album Listening Party!

Enjoying the music and the company!

Hippies use backdoor?

Ryan recording and listening

Mike enjoying music and conversation! It was an enjoyable evening!

Out for another crisp, autumn stroll!

Spoiled with homemade Filipino spring rolls! Love my job!

We are playing guitar again!

We bought a second-hand piano! (Testing' out my elementary skills...)

Anniversary Eleven: Mike found little messages throughout the day and I received this beautiful, autumn-themed bouquet! 

Deja's 13th Birthday!

Helping her blow out the candles before she devoured the flame!

Deja tackled her "cake" one layer at a time!

Deja's present time!

Deja's Birthday Show!

Had another snowfall... Deja and I celebrated the melt with another long hike!

Workshop garage floor ready and waiting for its concrete!

Mike spent a lot of time in that bobcat!

Thanksgiving 2015!

At the Maguire's house!

The Maguire family! (Where's Camron?)

Found Camron outside with the doggies!

Mike's Thanksgiving dinner plate! He devoured it all!

Uncle Mike with his nephew and nieces!

Irene with a beautiful bouquet! Judy is so thoughtful. She bought the ladies flowers! 

The little lake down the street at sunset!

Walking in the rain!

We were a little socked in, but Deja and I still enjoyed our walk!

Making the most of our earthquake drill!

Our surroundings change quickly!

Nicole testing the ice on our walk around Long Lake!

Happy Halloween 2015!

Oooooh, Little Bo-Peep found her sheep...

Helped Mia get ready for her evening of Trick-or-Treating!

Mia was so patient during the make-up process and was easy-going about the fact that I didn't do the same designs as her mom. Very impressed with my niece!

Then we had to get the little sombrero on, which was a bit of a team effort! This is Mia already to put on her costume and head out with her grandma for Halloween!

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