Sunday, September 6, 2015

Grams Yukon Visit 2015!

Downtown Whitehorse with Grams. She found the old Regina sign! That's where she used to work!

Grams and Satchmo! "What a wonderful world!"

While Grams and I were out on a walk with Deja, we ran into Mike on his dirtbike!

Evening sunset from our deck!

Birthday walk with Deja!

After a birthday dinner at Georgio's, we went for birthday ice cream at the Marble Slab! (So much tastier than birthday cake!)

On the 15th, we left on a day trip. 

Mike and Chester in Skagway

Family pose!

Mike's classic group selfie!

The town!

We did a little sightseeing! 

Luckily Keith spotted us and we were able to visit with Maguire crew briefly before they jumped on the ferry!

We had a bite to eat...

Did a little shopping...

Then we decided to head back to Canada!

Beautiful views the entire way!

A pit-stop!

Grams reading the tourist information.

Our wheels in front of a pretty nice backdrop!

We stopped to check out the Tutshi River.

Grams was scared to get too close to the edge!

Jay with her Dad and Grandpa!

Jay pulled her Grandma into the shot. Beautiful family and beautiful views!

A quick selfie before heading back to Tagish where we ate delicious meals, picked raspberries and played horse shoes into the night! We were entertained by an amazing Northern Lights show before bed while sitting around the camp fire! An evening doesn't get much better than that! 

The next day we took Deja to the beach! 

Grams soakin' it up!

Deja had loads of fun fetching sticks out of the lake!

Bringing the stick back so Mike can throw it again!

Then we went for a stroll on Tagish roads and trails!

Mike sharing his sailboat dreams and knowledge!

Deja meeting turkeys for the first time! They were definitely interested in each other!

Whistling while they walked! It was a beautiful, relaxing weekend!

We had a Maguire/Kelly/McNally family gathering at Keith and Cheryl's house!

Judy with Helene and Payton!

Grandma and Granddaughter!

Charlene with two of her Maguire men!

Grams enjoying the conversation!

The Bros BBQing!

Deja found her own special spot!

Loads of Laughs!

Maguires and Kellys around the fire!

"What is that?"

Life-long love!

Relaxin' and enjoying the company

Some quick wit kept us entertained!

Can't get much better than family time outside around a firepit!

Cheryl and Grams chatting!

Unfortunately, Camron had a trampoline injury and had to head to the hospital to check it out.

These sweet girls immediately headed for the crafts to create a "Welcome Home" card in hopes that it would make Camron feel better! Love seeing this support, kindness and generousity flow through the generations!

During Grams last evening in Whitehorse, we pulled out the old photos!

They conjured up some good memories...

which led to stories and...

...lots of laughs!

It was a nice way to end the last day of Grams' Whitehorse vacation!

Saying our farewells to Grams at the airport. xoxoxo

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