Saturday, August 29, 2015

ELL Marsh Lake Field Trip 2015!

A group shot of the ELL crew on a sight-seeing stop along the way!

And Miles Canyon is definitely a sight to see!

Another stop at the Yukon River/Lewes bridge!

We went for a little walk and...

...pointed out facts about the surrounding area!

We spotted a beaver in the river next to his/her lodge!

Some of the students thought it was cool that the beaver swam along side us for awhile as we walked (but most were actually more interested in posing for photos and taking selfies...)

We walked over to the locks!

Between Michael Dougherty, the bus driver and me, we explained how water flow is controlled... well as how the lock system works!

Stopping to pose mid-bridge! (A few students were a little wary while crossing the bridge because of the gaps...)

Heading back to the bus!

A few of the slowpokes!

A beautiful hairdo!

We finally made it to Marsh Lake Day-Use area!!!

Most of the students wanted to head straight to the beach, while a few others stayed behind with Michael Dougherty to set up the picnic area!

Checkin' out the view!

Simply enjoying it!

Yana and Stephanie were the first in the water!

Robinson happy to play us a few tunes first!

Lovely young ladies!

Posing with a couple of sweet, sweet students!

Beauties from the Philippines and Thailand! 

After warming up in the sun for awhile, a few of the boys decided to jump in!

Back at the picnic site!

Time to eat and drink and be merry!

Playin' some tunes!

Laying in the sun!

Playing Frisbee!

Hangin' out and listenin' to his own tunes!

A fully loaded hotdog!

Enjoying the moment!

Time to dance!

Others joined in!


While planning a field trip for teenagers, I didn't think the playground would get much use. Obviously, I was wrong! 

Back to the beach!

Some preferred to stay dry!


Volleyball on the beach (which later turned into a much larger game, minus the net, of course)!

We also set up a baseball/3-pitch game on the beach using sticky pads as "gloves," baseball gloves as bases, the sticky ball, and a stick as the bat. It was loads of fun and laughs until we had a injury (ball to face = bleeding nose...) Luckily, the student, who was such a trooper, ended up being okay in the end, thanks to First Aid-trained individuals and our First Aid kit! 

Overall, it was a fun-filled, belly-filling, educational, relaxing, happy field trip with another great group! 

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