Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Deja's Injury and Recovery!

Poor Deja is not feeling well. She has to have surgery tomorrow for a stomach wound. She is on pain killers and antibiotics, which I think are making her feel strange. Simply trying to sit with her until she calms down and falls asleep♡
Deja made it through her surgery!!! All went well and the vets said she was ready to go before they thought she would be!  The wound was even larger than expected. It makes me realize how strong and amazing Deja truly is! She's not just a pretty face! She has a drip in her until Saturday and the stitches come out in 14 days. That means she has to wear the dreaded cone for 2 weeks! Poor girl:( Simply so happy she's home safe and sound♡
Deja feeling a little better after taking her pain medication♡
Deja's first long walk since the surgery! She loves having that cone off her head

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