Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jay's First Volleyball Season 2012!

Jaylene decided to play Volleyball for the F.H. Warriors this year!




Jay was a quick learner, as usual!

She struggled with the serves for a little while...


But her athletic abilities, natural talent, and brains filled in all the gaps!

Emily, Jay, and Charlotte at the net

Jay calls it! Bump!

Throughout the photos, Jaylene is #6!
Jay getting some tips from one of her coaches, Lacey

Jay was not willing to let that ball touch the floor!

Another good pass

Good sportsmanship between the teams!

Cheering her teammates on!!!
It's great to see her having fun out there!


"Take that!"

Stretch! Tip!


They're havin' fun!

Good game girls!!!
Practicing before the game!

Lookin' good Jay!

F.H. playing against P.C. This means Jay (#6) was playing against Rowan, Josh's girlfriend (#2)!

Josh was there to support both his sister and his girlfriend! He cheered for both teams!

Josh also goofed around with his friend, Mikey!

Team meeting with the coach, Jordan, before the game!

Josh and Mikey watchin' the game!

Jay getting under the ball

Jay #6 and Rowan #2

Jump! It's over!

I was having fun watching too!

Jay has her teammate's back!

"Take that!"

Nice block!

I think Josh misses volleyball. He took advantage of every opportunity to pass the ball around with anyone who was willing!
Jay's got it!

Look at her jump!

Jay checkin' out the score board! Overall, it was a great season. Jay and her team did amazingly well and won silver! (P.C., the team Rowan is on, won gold! Josh was able to celebrate all the way around!)

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