Friday, December 21, 2012

Jaylene's Sweet 16!!! ...and Camron's 11!!!

Camron and Jaylene celebrating their birthdays on Saturday, Dec. 15th!
Cammie turned 11!
Jaylene turned 16!

Irene enjoying herself as usual!
Camron, Jay, and I divvying out slices of birthday cake!
Cheryl taking pictures of her hubby!
Judy enjoying her grandchildren's birthday!
The birthday boy and girl!
Goofy faces!
Jay, Camron, Josh and Mike
Mia and Keith
Cheryl and Keith
Deja avoiding family time and watching TV.
Judy, Josh and Mia ready for present time!
Looks like Cammie likes this gift!
A homemade card from the Maguire kids!
A new scarf, slippers and pj set, all in blue!

Jay saying her "Thank yous" to the Maguires, even the sick little Helene who was horizontal for most the evening.
Cammie reading his card and laughing away!
Camron got another game...
...and a cool shirt!
More presents for Jay!!!
Chester watching his grandkids open gifts!
"Put 'em up!"
One of her gifts was a little awkward and heavy... Cammie helped her out!
She's figured out what her last gift is, and she seems pretty happy!
It's Command Start! Happy, Happy Birthday Jay!!!

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