Thursday, December 31, 2015

Our Last ESL Christmas Party in this classroom - The End of an Era!

Our Christmas Party begins!

Much smaller than usual, but students were still ready and waiting for the traditional gift exchange!

Czar loved her purple pig and its hilarious sounds kept us laughing throughout the day!

Jason chose the gift with the prettiest wrapping!

Rebecca's turn!

Patricia opening her choice!

Emman grabbed the obvious: a gift card! Can't go wrong with that!

Shakin' up the names for the next draw!

Santa arrived!

And found one of his reindeer! 

Even the big kids can't resist the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap! 

Can't help but smile when Santa's around!

Emman hopped right on up there!!!

Sweet Patricia should receive all she wished for this Christmas!

Back to the gift exchange: I chose a gift that was wrapped in layers, and layers, and layers of tape, which, apparently, the students found quite amusing.

Big smiles!

Brother and sister!

Tim posing with his gift!


Bryan's opening his gift, while WaiFung and I check out some of the claims on his present.

Some of the late-comers!

Patricia led some of the games this year!

Spelling words with our bodies!

Do you know what our word is? The students are much better at this than I am. I think I'm supposed to be the letter "T."

This group was amazing!

Kayla was the winner of "Guess the Number of Hershey's Kisses" this year! (She, and a couple other students, developed a mathematical formula to determine the number correctly within three kisses! Some of these students are "wicked smart!" Love it!)    And this was the last ESL party to be held in the room that has served as our ESL home for 11 years!

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