Monday, December 15, 2014

Jay's 18th Birthday and Cam's 13th Birthday!

Birthday cousins!

Mike enjoying his Mia and Helene cuddles!

Family gathering for Jaylene and Cammie's Birthdays!!!

Jay received some winter gear from the Maguires!

Camron reading his birthday cards!

"Look Joshua! World of Warcraft!!!!"

Camron's new Mindcraft T-shirt knocked his glasses off!

Jaylene opening the gift from her grandparents!

Jay's Elmo onesie!

Cheryl and Mike with their parents!

Brother and sister!

Helene is almost the same height as her grandma!

She's catching up to her older brother!

Helene's hands are already larger than Jay's petite hands!

Helene and Camron had to measure hands too!
So wonderful that we could all be together sharing laughs and fun while celebrating Jay and Camron on their birthday!

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