Thursday, August 14, 2014

My 38th Birthday!

Mia and Isabella crafting in the guest room! A new friendship is made!

Gathering on the deck!
Goofy cousins!

Mike in charge of BBQing, as usual

Zach swinging in the park!

Chris, Annie and Zach were up visiting from Quebec! It was so nice to spend time with them while they were here! So happy they were able to make it to my birthday gathering! AND...a Great family photo!

Was SO happy to have both Josh and Jay with us! Jaylene was able to come back from Victoria for a little extra time before school starts! Yay! ....OUR family photo!

Maguires by the fire!

Irene and Cheryl!

I was spoiled!

A cool card from my hubby!

Had such a nice evening! Thanks again!

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