Saturday, February 15, 2014

Christmas 2013

Josh came home for the holidays and was immediately back to his old ways geekin' out!

Josh headin' out to his Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

We didn't get the tree decorated until Christmas Eve, but Josh and Jay carried on the tradition of lifting Jay up in a way that made her have to use all of her determination while struggling to get that angel on top of the tree (even if 6ft3-Josh could easily place it on top)!

Another magical Christmas morning!

Gifts waiting under the tree!
Jay and Josh opening up their stockings
Deja relaxing and taking in the scene after opening up her stocking
Mike with his morning coffee
One of Mike's gifts from his parents
Jay and Josh simply enjoying Christmas morning
Opening a comfy, cozy hoodie from the Maguires!
Mike opening his gift from Jaylene
Jay and Josh working their way through their presents...
...and enjoying laughs along the way!
Chester arrived, poured himself a cup of coffee and...
..joined in on the present-opening-fun! (Obviously, this one's from Eileen. The unique wrapping always gives it away!)
Of course, Judy was there to keep us company too!
Deja's immediately by Chester's side, as usual!
Mike's cool, new Survival Kit from Dad and Eileen
It was difficult to guess Josh's present to me - a gift card covered in tissue paper wrapped in a large box...layers and laughs!
Mike was so happy to receive hockey shoulder and elbow pads from his parents!
Look at this tough guy!
Josh's new Launchpad!
My new guitar strap!
Mike's big gift from me!
Judy and Deja sitting on the outskirts of our Christmas carnage! What a nice, relaxing and fun Christmas morning!
Christmas Evening: Playing Heads Up!

After Chirstmas dinner at Krystal and Will's house!

The players getting ready to act!

Mia, Madison, Helene and Camron sharing iPad minis

Josh's turn!

My honey and me

Gavin and Camron playing video games

Skyping with Will Mason's family in Saskatchewan

Have to love Skype! It definitely shrinks those long distances, and at times, seems to dissolve the distance completely

Josh helping Mads!

Helene's turn to guess! This game includes all ages!

Madison is up!

Now Mike's going to try!

Judy stayed strong throughout! This game kept many of us entertained for hours!

Kasey and Mia entertained themselves with an iPad

At times, the game got a little intense;)  Loads of fun!!! (Thanks McKenna family for hosting!)

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