Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014!

Christmas morning!

Beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree!

Jaylene's stocking!


Mike enjoying the new throw and pillows from Judy & Chester!

Jay opening her stocking while munching on jerky from Grandma Judy & Grandpa Chester!

Dad enjoying Jay's fun!

Time for Jay to open gifts!

Grandma Judy arrived just in time...

...with Grandpa Chester!


And more Hugs!

Jay continuing the Christmas gift opening!

Great Grandma Irene's gift was pink-themed! Lucky Jay!


She needed another belt!

Jay's gift to her dad = lounging pants, exactly what her dad wanted!

Jay also got her dad socks!

Jay's gift to me was exactly what I wanted and needed: a headlamp for my hikes! Thanks! It is SO appreciated!

Jay's final gift, during this round

Karen, Taelor and Baby Grey at the Crayford, Maguire, Mason, Kelly (-McNally), McKenna Christmas Dinner & Gathering! (Did I get them all? Hope so. Whew!)

Grandma Irene opening Christmas gifts!
Mike striking a pose with the naturally glowing Jaylene beside him!

Taelor keeping a close eye on Charlie climbing those stairs!

Da boyz!

Christmas Dinner Time!!! It was absolutely delicious!!!

Baby Grey getting to know Jaylene with a good finger shake!

Pretty in Pink!

Charlie doesn't know what to make of it all

The three of us!

Soakin' up Jaylene time!

A Grandma-Granddaughter moment!

Jaylene with her Auntie Cheryl!

Saying farewells to Jay before she heads off to another family get-together!


And the party continued on!

With loads of laughs!

Especially as Joey entertained us with his stories!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

ESL Christmas Party 2014!!!

Our annual "Guess the Number of Hershey's Kisses," this year in a snowman head! (Elizacil won with a guess of 280! The correct number was 272.)

Before beginning the Gift Exchange Game, we played some Holiday Heads Up while waiting for a few late-comers!

Mardee, Robinson and Thomas playing along

Carson and some of the ELLs ready for the Gift Exchange Game

YuYo was one of the first names to be pulled

Whose name will be next?

Donnell was the first to open the very popular Starbucks mug, which was stolen the most throughout the game.

Donnell opend the Risk game! Donnell had more presents stolen from him than any other student!

Thomas opened a beautiful Ukrainian Christmas ornament!

Antonette unwrapped chocolates!

WaiFung opened chocolates too!

Carson stole his final gift - a homemade bowl!

I also stole my final gift - a silver bracelet!

Jason taking selfies with his super camera!

Time for our potluck feast!

Antonette getting her hair braided before she eats!

Stephanie and Yana in line for food!

Phoebe and Robinson ready to eat
Shaira greeting Walter who arrived just in time for lunch!

Some of the girls sitting down to eat!

Jirah, April and Elizacil

Roman fillin' his plate!

Students visiting and eating


Patricia, Emman and Mardee

Some of the "good ol' boyz" sitting down to eat! Reed and Tim usually show up when there's food ;)

The Games Begin: First it was the Straw-Paper Game!

"On your mark, get set, GO!" The start of the Straw-Paper Game!

 Jirah and April

It was the "Returning Champions" who won!!!

Techie girls!

Group Shot!

Time for Paper Dance!

A couple teams out!

Down to three teams!

Jason and Shantana won!
..along with Elizacil and April!

Musical Chairs!

Kenny struttin' his stuff!

The DJs were having way too much fun!

Some great dancing! These two kept us entertained, probably longer than they wanted too! Good sports!

They both deserved to win!!!

This Filipino dancing game was full of laughs! So glad that some students from other classes joined us!
The Ukrainian hand game!

It was a little slow going at first, but the students caught on!
Other students played music!

'm not sure how a Chinese student and a Filipino student ended up winning the Ukrainian game!? Quick learners!!! That basically wrapped up a great end-of-year celebration! Happy Holidays, and we'll see each other again in the New Year!