Friday, January 4, 2013

A Kamloops Christmas 2012

My Christmas Eve arrival in Kamloops was a surprise to Grams!!!
Few hugs can beat the Grams hug!
Now we're ready for a McNally Christmas!
Dad seemed happy to see me too!
And the joke telling began:)
Our stockings on Christmas morning all finished off with Grind coffee!!!
Grams opening her stocking
Eileen's turn!
Present opening time: I received the coolest salad serving spoons!!!
Love Eileen's wrapping!
Eileen opening a gift
Booker wondering what the heck is going on!
Another pig-related gift for Grams!
Dad likes his new shirt
Grams' new cutting board
Booker needs some attention
Booker and Dad are definitely a pair!
Eileen opening one of the gifts from us...
while Dad opened another, and Grams simply enjoyed!
I think Eileen likes the chimes:)
Dad and I walked to the ultimate Christmas house!
Their nativity scene (no moose or bear though:)
Lights galore!
Even along the side and back of their house...They definitely go all out!
Dad and Booker waiting for me while I wander about the Christmas house
The walk to Grams' place
Isn't it beautiful?
Dad attempted to stop Booker from attacking Grams' yoga ball!
Obviously, he did not succeed.
The remains of Grams' yoga ball. Thankfully, she took the news well.
To ease the pain, we decided to introduce Booker to Tickle Me Elmo.
Pure entertainment!
Booker was absolutely baffled! He had no idea how he was supposed to react to this thing...
...which filled the room with laughter! A great way to end a Christmas day! Of course we also had an absolutely delicious turkey dinner prepared by Eileen, and played a few crib games while sharing stories! It was a wonderful day and evening!!!

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