Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our 2012 Field Trip!

The gang: Daniel, Ivan, Ming, Jordan, Nathaniel, Sergio, Alondra, Dalila, Pearl, me, Evangeline, Sarah Joy, Bryan, Federico, Thom, Michael, Ofnilieta, Jerda Mae, Wei Jie, Wai Fung, Jason, Walter, Richard, Genard, John Jeric, Ken, Karl, Goldie, Tiffany, Shantana, YuYo
Millennium Trail in front of the Yukon River: Thom, Ofnilieta, Pearl, Goldie, Jerda Mae, Sarah Joy

Da boyz: Bryan, Walter, John Jeric, Genard, Ken, Karl

Tiffany, Shantana, and YuYo

Continuing on along the Millennium Trail...

John Jeric, Karl, Walter, and Federico

Mr. Michael leading the second group up! (This is the moment when some of the students begin swearing at me in different languages under their breath:)

Daniel, Sergio, Dalila, Alondra, Evangeline, Bryan, and Ken waiting for the others to catch UP!

Ken, Goldie, Jordan, Ivan, Jerda Mae, Pearl, Ofnilieta, Sarah Joy, Walter, Thom, Michael, and John Jeric

Daniel, Shantana, Tiffany, Jason, Wei Jie, Wai Fung, and YuYo

It was so windy at certain moments and in certain areas that it almost felt like we could blow away! Sarah Joy, Federico, Alondra, Dalila, and Evangeline

Evangeline, Alondra, and Federico

Sisters: Dalila and Alondra

Sisters: Ofnilieta and Pearl

JUMP: Bryan, Ken, Karl, and Genard

Nathaniel handing Karl his shades, while Bryan packs the guitar on his back

Tiffany and Shantana (YuYo too)

Tiffany, Mrs. Kelly-McNally (me), and Shantana

Karl, Genard, John Jeric, and Bryan

Walter the photographer

Goldie and Karl, hand-n-hand!

Our Picnic Spot!

Bryan got out the guitar and played us some tunes while we ate!

Shantana and Wai Fung

Tiffany and Jason

Mr. Michael and Federico viewing the surroundings
Bryan played while others sang and listened!

Ofnilieta and Pearl goofin' around

Tiffany, Shantana, and me

Thom, Pearl, Ofnilieta, Sarah Joy, and Evangeline

After playing an incredibly fun and entertaining game of make-shift baseball, we cleaned up the picnic area, packed up and continued on our hike back to the school!

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