Saturday, February 4, 2012

Grandma NaNa ~ Miss You and Love You!

Here's to hoping that Grandma NaNa and Grandpa are now together again! I'm so fortunate to have had such a long and close relationship with my grandparents. Wish I could've visited Grandma NaNa at least one more time, but I am so happy that we talked on the phone together only a few days before she died and I was able to listen to her laugh. Miss you and love you, Grandma NaNa! (You too Gramps...oh so much!!!)
LOVE this photo of Grandma NaNa and Grandpa!
Check out Grandma NaNa's funky outfit!
Grandma NaNa, Aunt Bonnie, and Aunt Joann at "Karen's Kitchen," one of Grandma's favourite restaurants!
Walking along the Thunder Bay Marina
Grandma and me at Chippewa Park with a backdrop of the Sleeping Giant ~ Summer 2009

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chelsea and Mike:

    These pictures are overwhelming to me. They bring back so many good memories. Thank-you for taking the time, in honour of my Mom. I know she's happy now, but the journey of her life is remarcable. Thanks again

    Love Mom
