Saturday, January 7, 2012

Boxing Day Brunch 2011!

Judy, Jay, Irene, and Chester
Cooking Our Annual Boxing Day Brunch!
Irene in the kitchen helpin' out, as usual! She`s on bacon...
I`m on pancakes.
Joey, Krystal, and Taelor
Time to eat!!!
Taelor and Joey, the happy couple = all smiles!
Gavin`s a cutie
Da girlz: Helene, Madison, Kasey, and Mia
Check out the hands...
Joey and Taelor off to shop
Mike, Krystal, and Kasey!


  1. Hey, you guys!
    It's good to see you all together for boxing day. It's funny because, Chelsea, you look just thrilled that you're having your picture taken so early in the morning and the photo with Mike's hands doing heaven knows what, while the women rest there faces wearily on their hands is hilarious. Also very interesting and cool.

  2. Yeah Mom, you're right about not being thrilled with the picture-taking at that moment. I was exhausted by that point. The 23rd, 24th, and 25th were loads of fun, but busy. So, waking up at 7:30am on the 26th to start getting ready for the brunch...I still enjoyed it, but...zzzz!
    Love you!
