Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Class Christmas Party 2013!!! Oh So Much Holiday Spirit and Fun with Students Old and New!!!

Although they didn't win the Christmas door decoration contest, I think my students did a fine job! Unique!  

Our Holiday Potluck Lunch!

Wai Fung and Daniel enjoying lunch

Yuyo and Jason

Bryan, Bayan, Michael and Carl

Walter came to visit during his lunch break. He also took on the role of photographer for awhile! (Thanks Walter!)

Bayan's first time eating sushi! He was pretty excited!

Some of the girls eating lunch

Alexander brought his little brother, Elijah

Elijah thought I was pretty scary at first! (I'm going to blame it on the antlers:)


Our class Christmas tree with presents beneath


Students patiently waiting for the Gift Exchange Game to begin

Carson (Mr. Close) keepin' us laughing while opening a gift

Looking at Daniel's gift - scented candles with a holder

Yuyo is the first to open the very popular elf slippers, but, in the end, she didn't get to take them home:(

Entertained students!

Saisha's turn to open a gift while others observe

Hannah's name was drawn

Kayla seemed to like her gift, but she didn't end up with it either.

Michael's popular iTunes card was stolen a few times

Spectators, some of who may have been planning their steal... (Glad Tim could join us!) (Love the moustache Carl!!!)

Enjoying the finale of the Gift Exchange Game!

The Teams listening to rules and directions before the Straw-Paper Game!

Pearl and Alexander carefully passing their paper during the race!

Paper Dance!!! (Ms. Irwin and I judging)

The Paper Dance continues! Of the three judges (Mr. Close, Ms. Irwin and I), I may have been the Simon Cowell...

The winners of Paper Dance holding their prizes

Musical Chairs!

Wei Jie is the winner!

Saisha took second place!

Bryan won the "Guess the Number of Hershey's Kisses" by guessing the closest number and took home the Christmas Penguin cookie jar with 268 kisses inside!

Jirah won Topic Firing, but Hannah definitely gave her a run for her money!

Jirah with her prize, the stuffed "talking" duck and Ofnilieta posing at her side!

Elijah was simply chillin' with some toys (I couldn't resist his cuteness, so he ended up taking home the stuffed duck!)

Wai Fung won the first chopstick competition! (I think YuYo won the second!)

After a few of the students complained that it wasn't a fair game against Chinese competitors, Pearl (Filipino) proved them wrong and won the last chopstick competition!

Group shots at the end of our Christmas party!!!

It was loads of fun! I hope all the students carried that enthusiasm and joy into their holidays!!!

Jay's 17th and Camron's 12th Birthday Celebration at Boston Pizza!

Mia, Helene, and Camron

Camron with Great Grandma Irene!

Keith opening his belated birthday gift

Mia received a gift just because

Helene's belated gift

Camron having fun opening his birthday gifts!

Jay looks up to her dad!

Mike checkin' out some of Jay's gifts!

Happy Jay!

Jaylene reading her birthday card!

Cheryl watching Jay opening a gift!

A lovely family photo of Jay with her auntie, grandma and grandpa!

Some girl-bonding before the birthday goodbyes