Sunday, May 19, 2013

Josh's 19th Birthday!

Josh's 19th Birthday dinner! He always said this meal would taste better with bacon.
So, I made him chicken stroganoff with bacon + a side of bacon!
Josh with Great Grandma Irene!
Josh's birthday cake!
Josh's cake with candles!
"Happy Birthday Dear JAH-AHSH! Happy Birthday to you!" (It doesn't matter if you're technically an adult. You still get the candles, the song, the balloons...)
Cheryl, Chester and Irene!

Josh's contemplation...

Present Time!
Mike clarifying what some of the presents are for and when they are to be used! Some good laughs!
Josh and Mike packing up some of the gifts, while Camron asks Josh if he's ready to play yet!
Son and Father
Auntie Cheryl hugs!
Grandma Judy hugs!
Judy posing with her boys: her son, and two grandsons!
My fave! Josh with the Maguire kids!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dog Walks in Our Winter Wonderland!

Ear Candling!

If you have difficulty with wax build up in your ears, ear candling is the way to go!  All you need is a trusted helper, aluminum foil, scissors, a lighter, and, of course, "Healing Candles."

Place multiple layers (3) of aluminum foil on top of each other, and fold up the sides.

Create a shallow bowl.

Use the scissors to cut a hole in the centre.

It should be approximately the size of your finger.
A healing candle must fit through the hole.

There should not be a gap between the candle and the foil.

The "patient" should lie down on her side, one ear upwards. The tapered end of the candle is placed into the ear, but not too far. It should feel comfortable. The helper then holds the candle under the aluminum bowl and lights the top of the candle with a lighter.

As the candle burns down, cut off the burnt end of the candle. There are usually lines that mark when the candle should be cut.

Once it gets down to the bottom of the candle, above the aluminum foil, that ear is done. Cut the end off and let the flame burn out.

Gently pull the remainder of the candle out of the ear. If you look inside, the tapered end is usually full.

If you want to examine it more closely, simply cut the candle open to clearly view its contents. Repeat the same process on the second ear. Improved hearing is usually immediate. It can also ease some pain and discomfort in the ears and sinuses. It is best to make sure that you do not swim or go underwater for at least 3 days afterwards. Hope this helps! It has definitely made a big difference for me! Happy Candling :)